Sunday, February 2, 2020

Depend on business plans you analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Depend on business plans you analysis - Essay Example Scottish Enterprise Business plan and the AMREF Business plan are the two online sources that were obtained. The AMREF Business plan was written for the period between October 2011 and September 2014 while the Scottish Enterprise was written for the period between 2012 and 2015. The outline given in class is different from the two online documents that I obtained. The financial analysis is the only similar element in the business plans of the textbook, and the two online sources. However, there are varied differences with the Scottish Enterprise and AMREF business plans. The business plan by the Scottish Enterprise business plan has the Chairman and chief executive’s foreword. It also contains the economic challenges facing the company and the globally competitive companies, sectors and business environment. A financial summary, performance evaluation and delivering a low carbon economy are contained in the document. This plan focuses the long-term goals of the company while a ddressing the immediate challenges the company faces in the current economic times On the other hand, AMREF has an executive summary that has a description of the companies plan. An introduction, values, and mission of the company follow the executive summary. The strategic fundraising, strategic directions, partnership descriptions, management of the business planning process, monitoring, evaluation and costing are the elements in the plan. The style used in business plan writing is the official recommended style of writing. In the two online sources, they capture background information about the company. It also contains the business details of the company, products, and services, and financial analysis of the company. The two plans were written using first pronoun with no references cited. A solid business plan must be written in first-person, in official format, and in cases where information is outsourced, it should be well referenced. The details of a business plan are critica l. The presentation of the business plan should be considered. It should be flawless, well organized, and arranged in a systematic way. If the plan is to be submitted to a group of donors or investors interested in a company, the plan should be convincing (Pinson, 20). This means that it should have a title page with the company’s name, current date and the implementation period of the plan. The content in a business plan will always vary. The executive summary follows the title page (DeThomas, 11). It should contain the basic business of the company, the company’s immediate and forecasted success. It should also contain the company’s products and services, their intended market and the sales potential in these areas. It should also contain brief information of the finances required to implement the plan and the competitive advantage of the company (DeThomas, 11). A management plan is a plan showing the employees that should be involved in the implementation of the plan. The suitable persons to help in the implementation process should have a set of skills and experience. The Human Resource management should recommend this skills and requirements. The management plan should have well outlined ways showing the sales and marketing required, production of goods, and the financial administration. Every segment in the plan should have adequate allocated time (Pinson, 25). A business plan should contain a market research analysis. It contains details

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